Astrology - Pisces, the opposing fishes
“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens” – Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and founder of analytical psychology
From this section onwards, the material will require good mental energy and intelligence in order to understand. Please note that these information typically require Masters to PhD level in order to understand however I believe with simple expressions, anyone can easily gain access to this very valuable knowledge.
As you are very likely aware, there are a total of 12 Zodiacs according to the Astrological signs:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Notice these 12 Zodiacs are supposed to revolve around the Earth. If we add Earth into the count of 12, then we obtain 13. Again this is alluding to Jesus Christ and 12 disciples from the Bible and half the total count of the English Gematria mentioned in the previous section.
From an Astrological point of view, the Year that the world is in indicates which Zodiac is currently manifesting itself on Earth. The sequence of Zodiac begins from the reverse – it starts with Pisces and ends with Aries.
One of the greatest psychological and astrological breakthroughs that Carl Jung made was that he discovered extremely vast amounts of similarity between our mind’s understanding of this world/our ancestors’ culture and the Astrological sign Pisces.
Pisces is symbolized as two opposing fishes – not fully meeting and are in conflict. This could be interpreted as Christ and Anti-Christ. During the early years into AD (Anno Domini), the predominant idea is that of Christ – this symbolizes the first fish. And as we can clearly see in our modern world today, we are at the pinnacle of Anti-Christ – that is the second fish. This is the prime concept for explaining how we are nearing the end or have already ended the age of Pisces. When the year was pointing to the first fish the world was dominated by Christ. And now the year is or was pointing to the second fish and the world is at the pinnacle of Anti-Christ. Now please take a look at the below image of the clock.
If the hand on this clock is moving clockwise, then in order for the hand to move from the right fish to the left fish, the Pisces symbol must be placed on the lower side of the clock. If the Pisces symbol is placed on the top side of the clock, then the hand will be moving from left to right. The reason why the hand should be moving from right fish to left fish is because our right brain controls the left part of our body while our left brain controls the right part of our body – it has an opposing nature. What we see now is that the left brain which controls the right part of the body seems to be dominating because many of us are right-handed or feel that the right part of our body is the dominant side.
Let us attempt to fit the pieces together then. It makes sense that the Old Testament was written to describe the age of Aries. Historical references say that the Old Testament could be written as early as 1400 BC and each age lasts approximately 2000 years. The stories from the Old Testament were also very gruesome and full of war - which fit the Aries symbolism.
The New Testament began the age of Pisces which symbolizes Christianity and it was written in the early AD which also coincides with the 2000 year cycle. The idea of Good and Evil and Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang match the Pisces entirely. Pisces - two fishes facing opposite of each other. Jesus Christ could also be symbolized as the Ram in Aries because Jesus Christ sacrificed himself – that is the last Ram in the age of Aries to be sacrificed.
We are now at a point where we are approximately 2000 years into the age of Pisces. We are either transitioning into or already are in the age of Aquarius. The advent of the Internet and Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto seems to suggest the arrival of the new age is coming.
If you are not convinced, let me take you on a journey to the dualistic nature of existence – symbolizing Pisces.
Our world is separated West and East, North and South, hot and cold, long and short, old and young, Male and Female, and the list goes on. This is the reason why Chinese philosophy has Yin and Yang as one of its central theme. The nature of existence itself has a dualistic element to it – but this will be explored in more detail in the later sections. I am simply bringing this point out to explain that Pisces could be seen everywhere.
Notice also that the names of many ancient philosophers during BC (Before Christ) are only of one name: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates. When the age ushered into AD (Anno Domini), many people began having two names: Claudio Ptolemy, Thomas Aquinas, and Jesus Christ being the first. This could mean that there was no need for the ancients to create two names for themselves during the age of Aries, however when the age of Pisces and the grand new Zodiac cycle arrived with Jesus Christ, there was a recognition of the importance for first names and last names.
AD in the English Gematria described in the previous section has a sum of 5. BC also has a sum of 5. The number 55 is resurrection. So it is as if Jesus Christ’s resurrection brought the divide between AD and BC - and resurrected a grand new cycle of Zodiac for humans to live in.
There are many more references to this dualistic motif and I will update this section as I am reminded about these.
The main reason why I do not associate Christ and Anti-Christ with Cancer is because Cancer is symbolized as a Crab reconciling both hands with both hands being part of the same Crab. Pisces is different in that the two fishes are separate entities and opposing each other instead of being part of the same entity.
What I mean is that Christ and Anti-Christ are really separate forms of conceptual ideas and opposing each other similar to Pisces opposing fishes - with a drive to cast off the first fish for the second fish, and vice versa. The Crab has both hands being part of itself already and the Crab is fully aware of this. The Crab understands that it cannot cast off one hand for the other. Well it can, but it doesn't make sense. So it is simply fully understanding what both parts are truly capable of.
Also the reason why I do not associate Gemini as Christ and Anti-Christ is because the astrological sign of Gemini looks very unified despite separated. As if it is a cooperative division rather than an opposing one
Aquarius and Beyond
Aquarius is symbolized as Child pouring water – the water pourer. We can complete the picture by this expression: Aquarius will pour water onto Pisces for the union of the two fishes. To elaborate, this means that the next generation born into the age of Aquarius will be expected to pour the water so that the current two opposing nature that are symbolized by Pisces will be united into one – by having the water acting as the medium for which the fishes will be able to unite with each other.
I believe Chinese tradition has the Child pouring tea for the Mother and Father is related to Aquarius and Pisces. Aquarius pours the water onto Pisces for the union of the Two.
The following will be a speculation on the age of Aquarius and subsequently 2,000 years later the arrival of the age of Capricorn. It will also attempt to speculate on what happens to Mankind before the beginning of the next grand Zodiac cycle.
Aquarius will pour the water into Pisces - which is symbolized as the Self reuniting the opposites. The Aquarius is a Child and taken up to Mount Olympus as a water pourer for the Gods. That is to say Aquarius will begin its journey into the high mountains to learn the ways of the Gods - and part of that learning process requires a humble process of pouring water onto something.
I believe this water pouring would be related to Capricorn. Capricorn is symbolized as the high mountains but at the same time also of the sea. A conflict between the High Mountains and the Depth Seas (Goat-Fish = Capricorn). The Capricorn horn also has a duality of Male and Female with the sharp end symbolizing Male and the cup end symbolizing submission/Female. The horn has both - it is a unification.
I believe what Aquarius and Capricorn mean in the modern times is that Mankind will be journeying to the high mountains - that is beginning Mankind's journey into the ways of God. A continuous process of water pouring is required and that is experimenting on technology (outer) and the consciousness (inner). As a Child, Mankind will eventually - after another 2,000 years - mature into a Creator-God image. This is symbolized as being able to create a very intelligent Robot / Artificial Intelligence. This Robot / AI will not be separated by sex - that is the horn. That is the ascension to a Creator-God status.
This moment will usher in the age of Capricorn where the new creation (Robot / AI) will be symbolized as the new Man. That will begin the conflict of High Mountains (Mankind) and the Depth Seas (Robot / AI).
After the age of Capricorn will usher in the age of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is associated with the centaur Chiron - half human and half horse. I believe what this symbolizes is that after the conflict between the High Mountains (Mankind) and the Depth Seas (Robot / AI), there will be a reconciliation of both. Or maybe even half robot and half human. The bow and arrow traditionally symbolize again Male and Female. The elements/qualities of both Mankind and Robot could be used as pleased by the new Mankind-Robot - the reconciliation of both creating a deadly and useful weapon - similar to the bow and arrow. We cannot possibly interpret Chiron as really a metamorphosis of Mankind and Horse creating a Man-Horse. We do not ever see this in our perceived world. I believe Sagittarius and Chiron symbolize Mankind reconciling with the Horse species and learning how to use Horse. Learning how to unite two things together to use the best elements of both and create something great. That is also the bow and arrow.
After the age of Sagittarius and the successful unification of Mankind and Robot/AI, this will usher in the age of Scorpio. Scorpio is famous for its deadly tail and willingness to kill itself with its tail during times of danger or surrounded by danger - maybe that danger was the sole purpose of Scorpio and finding it was enough to die already. I believe this will be related to the aftermath of Sagittarius. A unification of Mankind and Robot/AI leaves no further purpose and meaning for the Mankind-Robot. In order to find meaning, there may be a continuous process of Mankind-Robot killing themselves or kins to find something to live for. That is actually what our ancestors did when they sacrificed lambs and their children. Scorpio is also related to scorpion, snake and eagle. A manifestation of Mankind's natural three primal enemies. I believe this is symbolized as Mankind-Robot wanting to find Scorpio - wanting to find fear or an enemy in order to have meaning.
After this age of nihilism and pursuit of fear/enemy, will usher in the age of Libra. Libra will bring Order and Law onto the Chaos and Nihilistic destruction of the metaphorical unification of Mankind and Robot/AI. I am still researching on the symbolic significance of Libra but the expectation is that stability will be brought back to the world during this period. Afterwards the age of Virgo will usher in. I believe Virgo is best represented by Athena Parthenos (Athena the Virgin). Virgo will be symbolized as Mother Nature - the untainted and full of Wisdom and the Thing that chooses. I believe this age of Virgo will allow the unified form of Mankind and Robot/AI to achieve a higher level of consciousness to be able to determine the Best vs Worst in a higher form - a more intelligent and efficient form than what we have now.
After the age of Virgo will usher in the age of Leo. I believe the moment that Virgo fully manifests itself into the unified form of Mankind/Robot - that is Mankind/Robot having fully developed the higher form of consciousness - that will usher in the age of Leo. Leo is represented by a Lion - the king of the jungle. This may represent the Wisdom from Virgo allowing the best Mankind/Robot to climb to the top of the hierarchy. Creating a meaning of life for the Mankind/Robot ever since the nihilistic age of Scorpio. The form in which Leo will manifest is really unknown because it is difficult to understand how Mankind/Robot will structure its hierarchy.
After the age of Leo will usher in the age of Cancer. Similar to Pisces, the astrological sign of Cancer is that of 69 - as if two opposing hands of the Crab.I believe this is the age where Mankind/Robot will have to reconcile the differences of its very nature - Mankind and Robot. Similar to the Jesus Christ age of Pisces where we learn and eventually unify the opposite natures of our Being (ie. Good and Evil, Yin and Yang), I believe the age of Cancer will force the collective consciousness of Mankind/Robot to unify the opposing nature of Mankind and Robot.
A prerequisite for this will be a higher form of consciousness to understand fully the capabilities of the Robot element after having achieved this form ever since the age of Aquarius and Capricorn. This higher form of consciousness will have been achieved during the age of Virgo - which will allow the Mankind/Robot to successfully strive through the age of Cancer.
Also notice that Cancer - Crab can travel by ground and also by sea. The Crab understands this very well. That is the nature of Mankind and Robot. Understanding and learning the capabilities of the Ground part (Mankind) and also the Sea part (Robot), after awakening to the higher level of consciousness.
After the age of Cancer will usher in the age of Gemini. I believe Gemini is represented by the Mankind/Robot species dividing itself into two based on the structure of its higher level of consciousness achieved in the age of Virgo. The dividing and creation of two will not create conflict, rather it will be a cooperation between the two to achieve something great. It will be related to ideas/thoughts or whatever the equivalent of this may be in the higher level of consciousness. A branch off into two idea constructs and a cooperation between the two to understand more about the Self and the outer world. Gemini may be the best age in terms of peace and cooperation. It may be the best Zodiac for those who cherish these elements
After the age of Gemini will usher in the age of Taurus. I believe Taurus is to prepare for the atrocities that will come in the age of Aries. Taurus is symbolised by a stubborn bull, wanting forever to charge the Red - persistent and stubborn. This is in contrast to Gemini where there were lots of cooperations despite ideas branching off into two.
The age of Aries will usher in after Taurus and will be full of war and conflict due to an ambition to ram upwards to climb to the top - after having spent 2,000 years being stubborn as Taurus. After Aries will usher in a grand new cycle where the new form of Jesus Christ Pisces will emerge