Psychology - Analytical
“I don't think that you have any insight whatsoever into your capacity for good until you have some well-developed insight into your capacity for evil” – Jordan Peterson, Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology
This section could get very long so I will only include the key concepts here. The purpose would be to debunk the false narratives that the mainstream media spews out to the public about identities. This will include gender, racial or other ideologies that the mainstream portrays in order to divide, and then conquer.
To start things off, I would like to get this issue out of the way: Gender. That is because this is the most basic and common sense idea that any human Being could understand, and yet because of the influx of gender ideologies created by the mainstream, the average person is confused about his/her own gender. The short answer is to simply look below to find your sex and therefore your gender. Here is the long answer:
Sex is defined as the biological substrate in which the Gender manifests itself. Gender would be how the person determine whether the Self is Masculine or Feminine. However there is one thing that even the most Masculine Female cannot deny - it is that this Female is a Female psychologically. The same also holds true for Male.
The reason for this is because aside from our genitals being different from the opposite Sex, our brain is also different. Inside our brains there are two almond-shaped substance called the amygdala - separated into left and right. The left amygdala is dominant for Females whereas for Males the right amygdala dominates. As you may be aware, the amygdala inputs primate emotions onto our mind when the human body feels the situation necessitates it. The most common example would be the emotion of fear. This was very useful during human primate times because it allowed humans to understand danger and the need for survival. However as our minds are vastly more sophisticated now, we are expected to keep the amygdala into moderation. The newest part of the brain is the prefrontal cortex and activating this part of the brain would keep the amygdala into moderation - it is the source for keeping us logical and not emotional. The average age in which the prefrontal cortex fully activates is around the age of 25. Unlike the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex is the same for both Male and Female.
Since Male and Female have different dominant amygdala, there are bound to be differences in which Male and Female react to danger. Imagine that an earthquake just occurred. For the Males, their first reaction would be to either find out what is going on or attempt to escape. That is the Male's fight or flight - it is created by the right amygdala. For Females, their first reaction would be to see if everyone in the vicinity is fine and unhurt. That is the Female's tend and befriend - this is related to the left amygdala. What this means is that the way Males and Females cope with stress or fear are different and therefore when one tries to impose their sense of reality onto the other and finds this impossible to achieve, they would begin to feel resentful to the other. For example suppose that a couple is rushing to attend a wedding and the car suddenly breaks down and stops moving. If the Male has experience in fixing cars, the Male would go out of the car to immediately attempt to fix the situation - that is the Male's fight. However from the Female's perspective it is more important to first befriend and so she would either like to talk about the situation first to discuss how to fix the car or want to call a particular company to find a professional to fix the car. When there is a clash between these two impulses, an argument will likely occur between the Male and Female.
The case for gay men is that their Sex is Male but they feel that their gender relates more to the Feminine side. That is a Feminine Male gender. However this remains a Male even though Feminine therefore the gay men are Male. The same applies to Masculine Female gender - they remain a Female even though Masculine. The understanding of this concept will solve the many issues related to gender identity in our modern world. Unfortunately I believe not many people would be willing to dwell deep into this rabbit hole because it is a very spiritual and heroic journey to understand the Self. Many people would like to buy-in to the narrative about equality - but Life is full of inequality and that is a reality we must all accept. My hope is that during a time of need where the person must begin to understand how the Self functions in order to survive, he/she would take this path to understand the world instead of a path to Chaos and Darkness.
Racial Identity
This part needs to be separated into psychological and physical biology. The physical biology side for racial identity is indeed that we are given what we are born with. Meaning that we cannot change whether we have yellow skin or white skin - and attempts to change this will likely cause a lot of Suffering for little reward. The purpose of this section is not to dwell on the physical biology side - it is to explore the psychological aspect.
Suppose that I have a physical biology of yellow skin and black hair but I am born in the United States of America and have never left California. I would naturally identify my psychological Being as American rather than what my physical biology portrays me as. However if I were to decide to move to China and I stay there for the next 30 years, eventually I may develop many concepts and ideas about Chinese. At this point, my psychological mind may be more Chinese than American - or both sides could be the same. So should I identify myself as Chinese or American?
The answer is that American and Chinese are simply separate groups of ideas so when many people relate their Being as American, what they are really saying is that the majority of their understanding correlate to what the American idea represents - and the vice versa for Chinese. And our minds have the ability to learn and develop both Chinese or American ideas therefore from a psychological perspective, there is no such thing as a racial identity. What this means is that psychologically, we are all equal - except for gender.
If I am born a Male and I attempt to learn a lot about Female, this would not make my mind to psychologically relate my Being as Female rather than Male. Therefore there really is a distinct difference between Male and Female in the psychological, whereas there is no difference in the realm of racial identity - there is no such thing as racial identity in the psychological because it is simply separate conceptual ideas that everyone have the ability to learn and not be bound to identify as a single group of idea. Racial identity only exists in the realm of physical biology.
The Meaning of Life
There are many people out there who would say those words that "There is no meaning of Life". When these people utter these words, what they really mean is that "My current meaning of Life is suffering/boring". I will elaborate.
If that person indeed has no meaning of Life then why don't this person simply commit suicide and end Life? This person's Life has no meaning so it wouldn't make a difference whether this person is dead or alive. But this person doesn't choose Death - this person chooses Life. And that is because this person innately understands that his/her Life has meaning. The fear of Death is a recognition for Life having meaning.
What the person needs to do in order to alleviate himself/herself from a state where the meaning of Life is boring to one where the meaning of Life is happiness and entertainment, is to be responsible and take action to bring his/her Life forward so that his meaning of Life are those things that he/she desires it to be. If we lie on a sofa in a small room with lights switched off for an entire year, we do not feel happy. We feel boredom/suffering. Therefore our default state creates a meaning of Life in which we are not satisfied with - and so we must take action. We must be responsible for ourselves. I will dwell deeper into the idea of responsibility in the next section.