Astrology, Psychology, Philosophy and Bitcoin

Millennials are Aquarius

English Gematria

"Gold is money, everything else is credit" - J.P.Morgan, Late 19th century American financier and banker

In our modern world, the most convincing way to show that a pattern or logic exists is through mathematics. I will therefore use English Gematria to show an interesting mathematical pattern from the Bible before dwelling into major Astrological, Psychological and Philosophical concepts.

The gematria sequence that I would like to bring to your attention is the following:





Using the above gematria sequence, the following words will have a summation to the following number:

Creator = 28

Design = 28

Holy Bible = 28

Adam and Eve = 28

Humankind = 28

Freedom = 28

Liberty = 28

28 is also a number for the following:

Number of phalanges on both hands = 28

Number of days it takes Moon to orbit the Earth = 28

Female days cycle = 28

As you can see, the number 28 and the concepts this number is representing have a particular theme of Design. Let's try another set of words and attempt to make a story out of these patterns:

God money = 24

Valuable = 24

Earth = 24

24 hours in 1 Day

Day = 7

7 days in a week

Gold = Au = 7

Adam = 7

Man = 1,1,1 = Binary 7

Here is a more advanced version that integrates the Euclid Method and verses from the Bible:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 _4 _3 _2 _1

Jesus + 12 disciples = 13

God = 13

Jesus Christ = 59

Euclid Method -> 13# + 1 = 59 X 509

Assume the left parts of both sides of the equation equal to each other and apply the same to the right side.

13# = 59

God = Jesus Christ

1 = 509

1 = 5 X 0 X 9

1 = 0

Everything = Nothing

John 1:3 - “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made”

John 1:3 -> 1:3 -> 13 = God

I will list out more:

Cain = 10

Abel = 10

1 = 0 = Everything and nothing

Cain and Abel = 26

God = 13

Lord = 13

Lord God = 26

26 = number of letters in English alphabet

Night = 26

Mother = 26

Husband = 26

The story of Cain and Abel from the Holy Bible is related to the fight between Good and Evil:

Good = 15

and = 6

Evil = 17

The sequence of number should be 15,16,17

16 - 6 = 10

10 = Abel = Cain

So the sequence is 15 Good, 16 Abel/Cain and, 17 Evil

Abel and Cain looks to be related to 16

Angel = 16

Satan = 16

Mankind = 16


Good, Angel, Evil

Good, Satan, Evil

The following are other key words from the Bible and about our world. I will be referring to this Gematria sequence in the later sections.

Sun and Moon = 25

Stars = 25

Ground = 25

Nature = 25

Divine = 25

Bitcoin = 25

10 = everything and nothing

Sky = 11, Air = 11

Sea = 12

Fire = 21, Devil = 21

Water = 22

Wife = 20

Female = 20

Child = 20

Moses = 20

Male = 9

Female = 20

Child = 20

Male + Female + Child = 49

Jesus Christ = 59

59 - 49 = 10

10 = Everything and Nothing

Male + Female + Child + Everything and Nothing = Jesus Christ