Astrology, Psychology, Philosophy and Bitcoin

Millennials are Aquarius

Welcome to this Astrological Rabbit Hole where you will decode modern illusions

"Paper money eventually returns to its instrinic value - zero" - Voltaire, French Englightenment writer, historian and philosopher

On 13 December 2018 I experienced an awakening which has changed my Life. Ever since this event, I kept on feeling a need to dedicate my time into expressing my knowledge in a form as simple as possible so that anyone could understand it. Life is full of Suffering but it is my hope that with what I write here, the reader could integrate fully into his/her individuality and alleviate as much Suffering from this finite world as possible so that we could bring Heaven on Earth.

I would like to start off by informing the reader that I was strongly Atheist before the year 2018 and it is with the discovery of Bitcoin and the eventual exploration into this rabbit hole that I have arrived to where I am right now. If the reader has no intention whatsoever to change his/her Life then I would kindly ask the reader to take his/her leave.

If you decide to proceed then let me activate your mind by asking you whether the circle in the image below is the Sun or the Moon?